Construction contractors and entrepreneurs…

Is your company
  • Navigating a leadership transition?
  • Working with an outdated strategic plan?
  • Having difficulty in growing and finishing new leadership talent?
  • Finding that the expectations of your clients are changing and more difficult to deliver?
Is your team
  • Missing deadlines and commitments?
  • Avoiding ownership of problems and their resolutions?
  • Lacking inspiration and the drive to deliver to their full potential?
  • Having communication challenges amongst themselves and to your clients?
Are you
  • Feeling like you are losing momentum?
  • Struggling to focus and develop your next great thing?
  • Certain you are built for more but don’t have the time to get there?
  • Wishing that you had someone in your court to bounce ideas and frustrations off of?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, RocketMind Pro can guide you and your team to the tools and strategies you need for your best launch.

Schedule a free call for details and to get started!

“Okay Houston, we’ve had a problem…”

Jim Lovell –Astronaut Apollo 13

What we provide.

An engagement with RocketMind Pro can yield big results. It’s all about pursuing a purposeful and positive mindset.

This is about clearing the clutter, making the effort and allowing the space for a fresh perspective. We’ll help you find the clarity and focus you need to go the distance.

Our Services

Strategic Support

Whether your business is navigating big changes or just getting serious about your future direction, Rocketmind Pro will help you prepare and execute.

  • Leadership succession planning
  • Communication development
  • Project management strategies
  • Strategic action planning and implementation
  • Company culture development

Executive Coaching

Isolation at the top can be a momentum killer. Do you need a confidential partner in your court? We can provide the accountability and inspiration you’ve been looking for.

  • Accountability assessment 
  • Health, wealth and home focus
  • Individual accountability and coaching
  • Peer group connection

Leadership Development

Looking for an edge to help you get where you want to go? RocketMind Pro can help you grow into the leader you were born to be.

  • Targeted leadership training
  • Customized leadership path
  • Workshops and seminars
  • Individual and group coaching

“Shoot for the moon…you might get there.”

Buzz Aldren –Astronaut Apollo 11

Launch Baby Launch!

An engagement with RocketMind Pro will blow your mind. Time for some focus. Time for some progress. You are the one who can make it happen.


Push the button…let’s get this done!

Pre-Launch Plan

We start this journey by determining your critical needs. We’ll collaborate and together to prepare and define your right next steps.

Executive Coaching

Time to roll up your sleeves. This is where the work starts and it’s up to you with you and get right to the drawing board. Each step together as we unpack your mission. We’ll provide the tools, tips and encouragement you need.

Leadership Development

Launching means taking effective and purposeful action towards your prioritized goals. You initiate and we’ll stay engaged to provide support and accountability for your mission.

“Why don’t you fix your little problem and light this candle?”

Alan Shepard – Astronaut
Mercury Freedom 7 Capsule – May 5, 1961

Ready to launch after waiting 4 hours in the capsule.

What is a Rocketmind?

Drawing inspiration from the power and magnificence that can be felt by all who witness an in-person rocket launch, RocketMind Pro was born. When we launch, individually or as a team, there is power in that moment. Certainly, we receive benefit from the challenge of a launch, but those around us will be elevated too. Using the rocket launch metaphor and the spirit of a launch…a changed mindset… RocketMind Pro serves as a guide to each of our mission partner’s next great thing!


This makes us want to come back for more. Let us help you.

“You only have one life, you have to spend it doing something that matters.”

Mark Massimo – Space Shuttle Astronaut

But what about all the questions?

No way. However, we can help with the tools and focus to allow individuals to see why character matters. It’s up to them, but there is a great deal of value in having a third-party guide to engage and lead with purposeful intent. Coaching can provide clarity and insight that may not be realized with your corporate program. While this may sound risky, bringing in someone from the outside will allow much more depth and opportunity for the individual to grow. This will translate to your bottom line and give your employees more ownership and satisfaction with their positions.

A flexible individual or small group program can yield tremendous results. Many organizations have their own brand of leadership training and with a clearly defined path to the next level. While these programs certainly reinforce the corporate objectives, goals, and career paths for the leaders in training, they often lack the flexibility and personalized focus for the individual. Sometimes the answers are outside of the company messaging.
Focus, focus, focus. What we focus on grows and coaching helps to guide those in the program towards laser focused goals and objectives. This creates confidence and will provae valuable for retention .

Meet Your Mission Control Guide.

My name is John and I am your RocketMind Pro Guide. It took me years to find that the drive and determination which I have for excellence, both at work and at home, was augmented by others who had mentored and coached me along the way. This was such a great realization, and I am very grateful for all the help.


I wasn’t very strategic in the early years and had to develop those skills over time. What would it have looked like if I had more input, challenge and accountability from supervisors, bosses, and others while I was growing in my leadership abilities? How much time and frustration would I have saved while I launched and developed my small businesses?


It is through this lens that I have the vision to provide intentional development coaching and support to those who want to reach their highest potential. Tapping decades of experience, lessons learned and challenges in the construction industry have prepared me for this time. It’s time to pour this into others on their journey. I have been made for this work and that is why I’ve developed RocketMind Pro.


Let’s start your mission together!